Electronic equipment are updated with every single efficient detail in order to seek the advantage of the improved technology. If we talk about solid-state relays, then according to Wikipedia, an SSR or solid-state relay is an electronic switching device that switches on or off when a small external voltage is applied across its control terminals. The major advantage of using SSR is that it does not have any moving parts, hence can operate for an uninterrupted turn on/turn off cycles with no depreciation from its original performance. The absence of any moving parts eliminates the presence of any noise or echo problem. Owing to ever evolving designing and technological advancements, you can also buy DIN rail mounted solid state relays. A DIN rail is a metal rail used particularly for mounting circuit relays and industrial control equipment.
Another product, which you can add to your assortment of various product diversification is Eurotherm 2116 controller. First and foremost, don’t confuse 2116 and 2132 for a single type, as 2116 has 1/16 DIN whereas, 2132 has 1/32 DIN. However, these both are temperature or process controllers and are used in an outline to reach a particular temperature. Some of the features that make 2116 controller an exceptional choice are mentioned as follows:
Comes packed with expert configuration via PC wizard with online help
Displays customized alarm messages for better understanding
Prompt indication of heater errors with integral ammeter
Functions with internal timer and set point programming
Another product, which you can add to your assortment of various product diversification is Eurotherm 2116 controller. First and foremost, don’t confuse 2116 and 2132 for a single type, as 2116 has 1/16 DIN whereas, 2132 has 1/32 DIN. However, these both are temperature or process controllers and are used in an outline to reach a particular temperature. Some of the features that make 2116 controller an exceptional choice are mentioned as follows:
Comes packed with expert configuration via PC wizard with online help
Displays customized alarm messages for better understanding
Prompt indication of heater errors with integral ammeter
Functions with internal timer and set point programming
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